Thursday's Books { 8 }

I just grabbed a couple off the shelf this week and picked up my reserve ... another Diane Chamberlain.
Last week's books ... I read the cookbook called Cut Out The Crap. I didn't like it AT ALL. That's a bummer, because I love cookbooks. I love books that are about fresh, healthy food. But this one just didn't do it for me. I didn't like the photos ... they didn't make the food look like something I'd want to eat. I didn't like the sound of the recipes. And there were things that bugged me ... like a suggestion to put chicken in a recipe that was in the vegetarian section !?!
I've started the novel "The Light Between Oceans" but it's slow going. Not because it's not a good book, I think it's going to be a great book, but because of two reasons. 1. It's not a Diane Chamberlain book and I'm so into her style of writing at the moment becuase I have been reading so many of her books. So ... it's adjusting to a new style ... a new 'voice'. And 2. Life has been really really busy ... and I've had less time to sit and read. And even at bedtime, when I do most of my reading, I've just been going to sleep ! Here's hoping this week finds me with my nose in my book a bit more !
Last week's books ... I read the cookbook called Cut Out The Crap. I didn't like it AT ALL. That's a bummer, because I love cookbooks. I love books that are about fresh, healthy food. But this one just didn't do it for me. I didn't like the photos ... they didn't make the food look like something I'd want to eat. I didn't like the sound of the recipes. And there were things that bugged me ... like a suggestion to put chicken in a recipe that was in the vegetarian section !?!
I've started the novel "The Light Between Oceans" but it's slow going. Not because it's not a good book, I think it's going to be a great book, but because of two reasons. 1. It's not a Diane Chamberlain book and I'm so into her style of writing at the moment becuase I have been reading so many of her books. So ... it's adjusting to a new style ... a new 'voice'. And 2. Life has been really really busy ... and I've had less time to sit and read. And even at bedtime, when I do most of my reading, I've just been going to sleep ! Here's hoping this week finds me with my nose in my book a bit more !
I would love to see your pile of books ! Just take a photo of your library books ... post it somewhere ... anywhere (!) ... facebook, instagram (#thursdaysbooks), flickr, photobucket ... your blog ... and then come leave me a comment so I can come see.
So, tell me ... what are you reading ? And have you visited your library lately ?
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