Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sharing Re-Establishment

(Alia's bed during one of her little organizing sessions ! That's my girl ... !!!)

Do you find that after you've been away for an extended period of time, there are habits and routines that fall to the way side ? I am finding that. After six weeks in the States there are a few things that I'm going to have to work hard to re-establish.

It's funny. I always have this un-realistic idea that I'll be able to keep normal routines happening while we're away. BUT WE NEVER DO. We don't read to the kids before bed when we are away because we let them stay up late visiting and then, well, it's too late. TV gets watched (by all of us) a whole lot more than at home. That's a hard habit to break the children (especially) of. Doing dishes together didn't happen at all. Rory and I helped my Mom or my cousins or whoever was cleaning up but the kids didn't do any at all. They still made their beds (most days) but that's about it.

We had a good system happening before our trip. I really want to get back to that.

It's been a bit tricky though. If you've read this post I wrote last year, you'll know that everything in my house has a home. If I can't find it a home at my house, I find it a home at someone else's house !! Going to the States for Christmas and coming back with three suitcases more than we went there with presents me with a lot of "home finding" objects ! I've spent days working to get things re-organized. Having said that, I'm still left with a few "piles" that are driving me crazy.

Let me show you my piles !! The first one is on my desk. Not the desk that has my computer on it. The other one ... where I can spread out, do craft and whatnot. It's got the school bags that I'm sorting out with school supplies. A box with the travel pillows, scale and games that I need to find a home for. A hammer and nails because I was being a handy man yesterday ! And a basket full of the last bits and pieces that don't have a home. The second one is the buckets of water so I can clean the fish tank. Need to get to the pet store to get some plants but just don't feel like going. I will though. Tomorrow. Maybe.

The third one is on the dresser in our bedroom. Gifts that I need to deliver. And the fourth one is an enormous pile in the garage. The one that's driving me the most crazy ! It is the suitcases and the pile of stuff I'm getting rid of that I need to sort through and figure out who to give it to !!! It will take hours. I am waiting til the kids start school. Until then, it just sits there irritating me.

I find myself very occupied with trying to get the house put back together (and cleaned !!) that it's just easier to let the kids keep watching tv ... and not re-establishing the "everyone helps clean up after dinner" routine. We have started reading out loud to the kids though ... last night we started back with that. And I guess, next week, when school starts, we'll get a more established routine and it will be easier to start up with the other things again !!

I've also started back to work. I work two days (soon to be three once school starts) a week doing admin stuff. I love it. LOVE IT ! But there is a lot of work to catch up on since I was gone for so long. I'll be glad once I get that all sorted and can get back to business as usual.

I also HAVE GOT TO, do not pass go, do not collect $200, HAVE TO (!!!) start working out this year. I've got no excuses left. My youngest baby is now, eh-hem, five. She starts school next week so I've got an appointment with a trainer ... it's all happening !!

I plan to spend at least a few hours a week in the studio painting. I'll be swimming twice a week. I need to find time to study Spanish on my own. I want to learn to sew and have a friend who is going to teach me the basics.

Plus the things I always do anyway ... like, keep the house clean and friendly. Plan, purchase for and prepare new and exciting meals. Spend time with Rory and the kids. And friends. Read. Photograph. Blog.

What was I saying about balance ? Reading over this, it really sounds like a lot. We'll see. I can, and will, scale back if I need to. I am just so excited about FINALLY being able to do lots of the things I haven't been able to do since I started having babies !

On a different and final note ... I read a good book on the plane home ! Rory has since read it. We both loved it. I'll tell you all about it ... TOMORROW !!


Mari January 20, 2009 at 1:38 PM  

It's funny how quick our routines go by the wayside during vacation. And yours was longer than most, so it all makes sense. You have some changes coming up - I'm glad you love your job! And - I can't wait to hear about the book.

Khrista January 20, 2009 at 4:07 PM  

It does sound like a lot. But I know you'll be able to accomplish it all. I am SO stealing your corkboard in the kitchen idea! I have the perfect spot for one. It might free up some white space on my fridge! :)

Sandra January 21, 2009 at 10:16 AM  

I completely agree, routines go out the window when you're away on vacation, it's just no use even trying.

Cherdecor January 21, 2009 at 12:15 PM  

Oh, to me, that is what vacations are for - getting away from routines. A person just needs a change sometimes. Getting back into reading out loud will seem all new again. It will all be a refreshing start. I know that you will be back in routine soon. Giddyup!

Anonymous January 22, 2009 at 2:12 AM  

Piles, piles, and more piles!! I loved seeing YOUR piles. It helps me feel better about MY piles. I know, however, that your piles will dissappear much more quickly than mine will!

Toni January 22, 2009 at 1:56 PM  

Oh I am shocked at your piles! hehehehehe Definitely makes me feel better (you know me). But you have inspired me to take a photo of MY craft table. Wait til you see it ;)
I am amazed at what you accomplish!

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