Monday, December 28, 2015

Organize Me Monday: Studio Tour

Organizing.  It's my thing!  Well, it's one of my things.  One of my favorite things!  It may sound weird, but taking an unorganized space and making it organized energizes me like few other things do!  Taking an organized space and making it more organized is pretty great too!

Paint Brushes photo DSC_0019_zpsl5jbdb5p.jpg

Recently we had our kitchen remodeled.  Prior to that happening, I had kitchen appliances stored all over the place.  One cupboard in particular, near the front door, was full of appliances.  Well, now that all of the appliances fit in the kitchen (!!),  I had an empty cupboard which I have been working to make into storage for my art and craft goodies! Today I finished that little endeavor and I thought I'd show you!

Washi Tape photo DSC_0018_zpsdtenbmhy.jpg

I have made two videos to share with you today.  You'll have to excuse the segments where everything goes blurry ... that's my lack-of-videography-know-how making itself known! Clearly, I need some practice! 

The first video is a tour of my "studio".  We don't have room in this house for me to set up a whole room as a studio unless I want that room to be the garage ... and I don't.  Initially, I  set up a section of the family room where I could work and that has sort of oozed around the corner ... which works perfectly now that the bread-maker and mix master are in the kitchen where they belong! 

The second video is showing you the inside of my art and craft cupboard ... how it is organized and looking inside a couple of the boxes. 

I mentioned in the first video that I was doing The Documented Life Project in 2016.  I did the second half of 2014, and a self-modified version in 2015 ... I'm hoping to complete an entire year of actual DLP this year!  Do any of you participate in this fun project?  I'd love to follow along with you!  Let me know where I can! I'll probably post some photos on my TrèsBonn Instagram and Facebook pages but mostly I think I'll share my weekly pages here on the blog ...

DLP 2016 photo DSC_0017_zpsg8vfohi8.jpg


Tessa December 30, 2015 at 4:02 PM  
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Tessa December 30, 2015 at 4:08 PM  

Blogger Tessa said...
I am very impressed, Bonnie. I would like to take up blogging again but am unsure what tack to take. Organisation is not my forte as you know, so I may be looking for stimulation and challenge from an expert.
I have not participated in a DLP. only knowing it as a political party of the past. Can you tell me more about it some time please?
It is good to see you back and read your blog.

Kari December 31, 2015 at 7:43 AM  

I've missed seeing QLD through your eyes!!

well I am the total opposite - organisation is not my thing...and with the new year rolling around, I'm going to try my best!!

Happy New Year!

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