Saturday, February 8, 2014

Washi Tape Holder

I have a small but steadily growing washi tape collection. I love it and I use it and I needed it accessible. Having it a drawer just wasn't cutting it. I'm sure I saw a similar idea floating around on the net at some point but one day Rory was heading to the hardware store and asked if I needed anything. I was like 'yeah, would you get me some long round pieces of wood and a big long thick piece?' I'm sure he appreciated my knowledge of wood.  Similar to how he appreciates my knowledge of car engines .... 

Anyway, he came home with the right stuff. 

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I measured (by setting my washi tape on top of the wood) how far apart I needed each hole and how long I wanted the big long thick piece of wood and then he kindly used the power tools so I didn't have to.  He made holes and cut the wood to size.

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I then used a hand saw to cut the long round pieces of wood and gave ends a bit of a sand with some sandpaper.  Popped each of those into one of the holes in my board and VOILA .... !

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I love this thing!  It sits on the window sill beside my desk and is so easy to use and carry someplace else if I need a bigger crafting area.


Anonymous February 9, 2014 at 2:49 PM  

You make me want to go out and buy a hundred rolls of washi tape! ;)

Bonnie February 9, 2014 at 4:25 PM  

I know, right Brandy!? Makes me want to go buy more .... :)

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