Processing ... On Paper.

Does your life ever feel like the photo above?
It was an accidental photo, I didn't even know I had taken it until the other day.
But my life totally feels like that sometimes.
Like I'm just hanging on for dear life so I don't go flying off this spinning planet!!
There are a few things I find helpful when it does start to feel like this.
Or even ... before this, but to keep me from getting to this.
That is where I am now. Feeling like if I don't get
things under control, it will all start to spin!
I'm am external processor.
I need to talk to process. But sometimes
I can't. I don't have a large group of people I feel
comfortable 'processing' with. In fact, it's quite a small, very
select group containing less than a handful of people.
Sure, there are levels of processing. And if we're talking about what I'm going to cook for dinner,
I'm probably happy to chat to a stranger in the supermarket.
I have found, over the years, though, that with lots of things, I can 'process' my
thoughts on paper just as well as in a conversation. It's almost like I need
to hear (or see) my thoughts to before I can decide if they make
sense. If you are an external processor, you may know
what I'm talking about.
Here's what one of my "processing" lists looks like.
It's simple. Nothing complicated.
But so helpful.

My next step is to put those thoughts on to a schedule.
I don't want to "fit" these things into my day, I want them to be priority.
Having that in my mind helps as I go about looking at what other things take up my
time and thinking about if they should be cut back on or eliminated all together.
I hear you! I feel like sometimes I am on the bus from the movie Speed going a million miles a hour. I don't keep list because it is one more thing to do, but my blog helps me stay sane. It makes me slow down for a moment and remember what life is all about.
That's exactly how I feel!! Hoping to start making priority lists and organizing my life after the wedding. In the meantime, trying to hold on for the wild ride that is my prewedding life!!
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