Sunday, May 5, 2013

the best {SURPRISE} ever!

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Not only did Rory throw me the best 40th birthday party, he pulled off the surprise of the century!
He and my parents had been planning for months to surprise me with a visit!  You see, I've 
been in Australia for 15 years and while my Mom has been out to visit three times, Dad
hadn't made it yet.  I was beginning to think he might never come.  The details of 
how it all came about are many so I won't share.  But on Easter Sunday, I
was getting ready to leave for church and the garage door opened. 
It was just the kids and I home as Rory had gone to play
guitar in the early service (or so I thought)!  He 
had actually driven the two hour round trip
to and from the the airport to pick
them up.  When I went out 
to see why the door
was open,
I saw
Mom and
Dad getting out 
of the car!  It was the
most amazing surprise!  I 
ran to them and immediately 
began sobbing.  I was overwhelmed,
in a good way.  My sister Ellie didn't know 
that they were coming either.  She was at the church
service I had planned to go to, so we hung out at home and 
then surprised her at the end of that service!  It was so much fun
to not only be surprised but then be able to be part of surprising someone
else!  The photo above is just after we surprised her.  Mom and Dad stayed for 
two WONDERFUL weeks.  Of course, we had nothing planned so we just decided what
we wanted to do as the days arrived.  We did some touristy things, but mostly we 
did what we all love most ... spent time together.  Cooking, eating, talking,
playing cards and board games.  Lots and lots of cards and board games.
The weather wasn't great.  It rained a lot but it didn't matter.  We 
still got to do breakfast at the beach ... we did it under cover
and had no problem getting parking or a BBQ!  We 
watched a movie or two.  We went to an indoor
play place.  Had scones with jam and cream
in a tiny little cafe while the rain poured
down around us!  I loved every
minute of their visit and as
with every time we must
part, I look forward
to the next 


Mari May 5, 2013 at 9:04 AM  

I was so thrilled when I saw this on FB. Best surprise ever!

Sabba and Nanny May 5, 2013 at 9:22 AM  

It was so much fun. Thanks to Rory for coming up with the idea and getting me off the dime. Can't wait to see everyone again.

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