Thursday's Books { 5 }
We totally maxed out all of our cards today. With the books we already had, and the ones we got today, we had to use Rory's card to get them all checked out ! But seriously, I'll never complain if my kids continually 'max out' their library cards !
I've taken three photos to share with you this week. Usually I don't do the kids stacks as well but I decided to this time. Not sure if I always will ... maybe.

Alia's Books

Jono's Books

My Books
As for last week's books ... I am working on one of the novels (A Beautiful Lie) and am enjoying it. There was a huge stack of cookbooks too ... I haven't had time to sit and read through them yet. We had a full on weekend with travel AND guests and well, the weekdays are pretty packed. It's school holidays as well so I've got the kids home. Throw in taking a crew to the movies followed by a sleep over for my daughter who is turning nine this coming weekend and well ... you get the drift. As you can see, I've got more cookbooks this week and I plan to sit for a considerable time on the weekend and read them ... here's hoping that happens ... I'll let you know which ones are my favorites next week.
I'm super excited that my friend Khrista posted her first Thursday's Books to her blog last week. Go check it out ! Even if you aren't super excited about books ... go check out her blog, it's great, one of my favorites !
I would love to see your pile of books ! Just take a photo of your library books ... post it somewhere ... anywhere (!) ... facebook, instagram (#thursdaysbooks), flickr, photobucket ... your blog ... and then come leave me a comment so I can come see.
So, tell me ... what are you reading ? And have you visited your library lately ?
Wow! Did you have to rent a trailer to get all those home?! What fun! To my sadness, I seldom go to the library any more, I buy used books, read them and then think I a going to give them away but then seldom do! My recipe hunger is slaked by the internet offerings. I DO love the library, especially the smell...perhaps I need to take a fieldtrip...
Oh, forgot to tell you, I am currently hooked on Louis L'amour. I have finished the Sackett series, and am fixing to start another series (forget the name...starts with a G?) anyhow, am reading a random one till I gather the first several of the series, they have been a little hard to locate. I love having the next in a series on hand when I finish one installment...
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