Sharing Cookies

Alia and I spent this afternoon baking choc chip cookies.
Want one ?
You might not believe it but what I'm going to tell you is true. Something major has changed in the life of our family since Saturday.
If you know my family in any capacity, you'd know that we are a happy family. We enjoy being together. We enjoy life. We laugh. A lot. What you may not have known was that for some time there has been a tiny seed of dissatisfaction eating away just below the surface of my skin !
What was it ? I don't know. Not specifically.
On Saturday, I chatted with Rory about a couple of things I thought would be good to change. He agreed and we started straight away. Two simple things. 1.) We all work together at night to clean the kitchen up after dinner. 2.) We don't watching TV in the evenings anymore. I'd say we'll still do our family movie on Friday nights but we'll see ...
Who would have thought that those two small changes would bring about such big change in an already happy, well adjusted family ? Not me ... but they have !
Our evenings are so relaxed. We aren't rushing to get the kids into bed, or to plop ourselves down in front of the tube. We are more focused on enjoying the meal and our time together. We are less rushed and therefore less impatient.
After the clean up we've had time, most nights, to play a game.
Waking up in the morning to a clean kitchen totally changes my outlook on the day ! After our morning bike ride, I'm not rushing about trying to pack lunches in a dirty kitchen that I may or may not get cleaned before lunch time ! Actually, tonight as I type, the kitchen is clean and tomorrow's lunches are ALREADY PACKED !!
Another unexpected result of the changes is that I'm consistently eating breakfast now ... and am able to sit and chat with the kids or read my book for a spell while I do. This is MAJOR for me ! I've always struggled to eat breakfast ... let alone sit and eat !
Is there something in your life that has you dissatisfied ? What small change could you make ? You never know, it may just be the big change you need ...
Oh, there's the washing machine beeping at me that it's finished. I need to go hang up the last load of laundry for the day and then I'm going to go join my husband who is reading in bed. I have four books on the go at the moment and I'd really love to read a bit of each before it gets too late !! I'll tell you what I'm reading soon ....
If you know my family in any capacity, you'd know that we are a happy family. We enjoy being together. We enjoy life. We laugh. A lot. What you may not have known was that for some time there has been a tiny seed of dissatisfaction eating away just below the surface of my skin !
What was it ? I don't know. Not specifically.
On Saturday, I chatted with Rory about a couple of things I thought would be good to change. He agreed and we started straight away. Two simple things. 1.) We all work together at night to clean the kitchen up after dinner. 2.) We don't watching TV in the evenings anymore. I'd say we'll still do our family movie on Friday nights but we'll see ...
Who would have thought that those two small changes would bring about such big change in an already happy, well adjusted family ? Not me ... but they have !
Our evenings are so relaxed. We aren't rushing to get the kids into bed, or to plop ourselves down in front of the tube. We are more focused on enjoying the meal and our time together. We are less rushed and therefore less impatient.
After the clean up we've had time, most nights, to play a game.
Waking up in the morning to a clean kitchen totally changes my outlook on the day ! After our morning bike ride, I'm not rushing about trying to pack lunches in a dirty kitchen that I may or may not get cleaned before lunch time ! Actually, tonight as I type, the kitchen is clean and tomorrow's lunches are ALREADY PACKED !!
Another unexpected result of the changes is that I'm consistently eating breakfast now ... and am able to sit and chat with the kids or read my book for a spell while I do. This is MAJOR for me ! I've always struggled to eat breakfast ... let alone sit and eat !
Is there something in your life that has you dissatisfied ? What small change could you make ? You never know, it may just be the big change you need ...
Oh, there's the washing machine beeping at me that it's finished. I need to go hang up the last load of laundry for the day and then I'm going to go join my husband who is reading in bed. I have four books on the go at the moment and I'd really love to read a bit of each before it gets too late !! I'll tell you what I'm reading soon ....
Those little things can niggle away and get quite frustrating. Good for you for making the change. I must admit that I would have a hard time giving up a few of the shows I watch.
I am so happy for you, Bonnie! It really is amazing what a difference a small change can make. I have been wanting to cut out - or at least cut down - on tv at night, but hubby's not on the same page. I'm glad it's working so well for your family!
Good on you for eating breafast! I am so not good at that... I will let you know what things I think of to change, as I think this is a good idea!!
Bonnie, I loved coming here and reading such contented words. Sounds like you and I are in just about the same place.
Recently I re-announced no TV on weekdays and reinstated our family time each night after dinner. It makes all the difference in the world.
I'm even breaking out my art supplies and photography books again.
Ya I could care less about watching TV so much too, could even cut it out of my schedule a whole lot, but the TV is Jeff's baby, just like the internet is my baby, right now. Who knows, maybe when the "real" babies arrive we'll be able to change things up a bit!!! I can't wait~
I'm glad these changes are working out so well for you and your family!
and yes sure! I'll have a cookie, but only one because they're not so good for my figure! Actually, I may need two, if I haven't had enough calories in the day...oh shoot! I see only one is left. Ok, one is just fine!!! in fact probably the best! Thanks~
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