Wreck This Journal - With Crayons
Is there anything that can make you feel like a kid again more than a box of crayons?

The other night I decided it was time to break open a new box.
I have a small stash of Crayola 24 packs that my sister brought me from the States.
Crayola are not cheap here, not like there.
I treasure those suckers.
Clearly ...

The prompt was "color outside the lines."
I only saw one line. But I colored outside it.
I didn't scribble.
I kind of wondered if that's what they wanted.
But then I decided it didn't matter.
I was outside the lines.

I bought both of my boys this journal a couple of years ago for Christmas. I think K-man used 3-4 pages of it and College Boy probably hasn't even cracked the spine on his, lol. You are so darn inspiring with it, I might just have to appropriate one of theirs and wreck it right along with you. ;)
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